
I got lost.
Lost in You
lost in the We.
Who am I
without You?
Without We?
Is there an I without a You?
I need you?
To be
I too much so much love losing myself
in the You-nity
Lose yourself to find yourself?!
But then
when you are gone...
..collecting all the pieces of me, scattered everywhere around.
Trying to put them back together again
That's me?
That's me!
and still fragile.
With cracks like a glued teacup.
But whole again.
Still feeling the hole...
The hole inside
And the hole I could fall into
every moment.
The hole lurking everywhere around, attracting me magnetically.
The hole I dive into again and again
to see if there is a ground.
A ground that holds me.
A ground that wholes me - that makes me feeling whole.
Whole again.
Like in the unity before
and after
this life
as me.
With you
as another me.
I need you.
That's the worst thing on earth
And it scares me to death.
I need you.
And I fear you.
Because losing you is so life threatening painful.
And losing myself so bittersweet familiar.
How can I be me
in a We?
(Picture: Marco Busoni)